Overcome User Data Quality & Historizing Challenges with DataSafe

DataSafe Application assists users in creating forms, capturing user inputs, historizing data, and maintaining data quality through audit features. It emphasizes the importance of data accuracy, security, and transparency in the data management process

DataSafe Main Flow

Creates a Form

The user accesses the DataSafe application and creates a form to capture specific user inputs.

The form supports fields with various data types, formatting, and conditions, ensuring that data is collected accurately.

Captures User Inputs

Users or systems provide input data by filling out the form. If the user or the audit system identifies a data quality issue (e.g., incorrect data entry, missing data, or suspicious activities), an alert is triggered.

Audit Logging

The application records all user interactions, system actions, and data changes using the audit feature.

Audit logs capture who performed actions, what actions were taken, and when they occurred.

Data Historization

The application collects the user inputs and ensures the captured data is stored securely.

Data is historized either in the historian system or the SQL database, depending on configuration settings.